
Sparks are flying in the world of social innovation – especially when it comes to shared spaces. Buildings which co-locate a number of social change organizations can create the conditions in which collaboration and innovation allow everyone to better achieve their mission.

A lot of this cross-pollination is already happening in Ottawa (yee-haw!) so at Causeway we’re trying to map what’s happening, and determine how we can fit ourselves into this burgeoning eco-system. We’re not sure what role we’ll play – but we’re hoping to involve other shared spaces in Ottawa, potential tenants, and the Ottawa community in helping us refine the role of our shared space.

And this blog?  It will include posts about who is working on this vision in Ottawa, similar spaces around the world who inspire us, and chronicle Causeway’s design process as we continue to explore possibilities.

Our goal is to open up our thinking and invite whoever is interested to be a part of the conversation.  Let’s spark it up!

About the space

The Causeway Work Centre is located at 22’O Meara in Ottawa’s Hintonburg neighbourhood.  Causeway currently shares this space with two other organizations (The Ottawa Community Loan Fund, and Familes Matter Co-operative), and is considering renovating the space to open it up to additional organizations.

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